Jadam pdf free download

A variety of decomposers and predators form a complicated relationship. As they feed, excrete, breed, die and decompose, soil environment changes; it recovers vitality and fertility, and becomes optimum growing ground for plants. Most of the nutrients required by crops are produced by microbial activities. Microbial conditions and farming are directly linked.

Leaf mold soil developed from conifers is acidic so take care that if you collect soil from that area you mix it with leaf mold soil from two or three other places. You will use about grams 1. Take that into calculation when deciding how much to bring home.

It is such an easy and inexpensive method that anybody can practice. Procedure: 1. Fill the container L with the ingredient; 2. Fill up with water; 3. Add about grams of leaf mold 4. Close the lid 5. Open the lid and check the liquid; if decomposition has progressed and it is quite dark, it is ready to use.

Inside of the container does not need cleaning. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel.

Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Jadam MMP. Uploaded by Flora May Arenga Billena. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Farmers can sell throughout Asia High-speed railways are being built across the Asian continent. As countries open their borders to more free trade, moving of agricultural products between countries become easier. A new era is approaching where a person in any coun- try can purchase produce from any other country.

If it is competitive, it will sell all over the world; if not, there will be nowhere to go. Bullet trains in China have connected its major cities in 1-day travel zones.

Distance and borders are no longer as big an obstacle. Online shopping malls like Alibaba and Ama- zon will allow the sale of local produce to all over the world. Organic food market is particularly growing fast in China as cities are expand- ing and wealthy people are counting tens of millions. This net- work connects the continents by traveling from Asia across Russia to Europe. Trade in agricultural products will in- crease. Bullet trains will be linking Seoul to Beijing in 8 hours, Beijing to Moscow in 30 hours.

Entire China is connected with bullet trains with speed of km per hour miles per hour. It takes 8 hours from Beijing to Guangzhou. China is emerging as the largest organic market in the world. Korea is in the fastest and easiest position to ac- cess it. For farmers who are ready, future will open unimaginable opportunities. They are packed in different sizes. Chinese organic farmers are aiming not only at the Asian market but the whole world.

Organic grains corner in a large store. Organic vegetables corner. They are sitting 1 meter 3. Pile up the dug-out soil so as to make a slanted wall and sit the greenhouse on it.

The slanted soil wall will collect heat during the day and emit it during the night. This is not in an experimental stage. It was popularized over 30 years ago and prac- ticed by numerous farms. Compare that to Korea where we neglect these kinds of simple, cheap and effective technology but pur- sue energy-consuming and costly methods such as solar-powered or under- ground heating systems.

How shall farmers prepare for this change? If they can further manage to lower the price, it will be even better. Already, premium organic markets in China are selling at prices higher than Korea.

Price gap is narrowing rapidly. China should be seen as a rising op- portunity. Agricul- ture technology is becoming more and more complicated. Is it so because it truly needs to be? So-called education, workshops, semi- nars, exhibitions and the like all make farmers more confused. Farming is turning into something similar. So is modern medicine. Religions actually inhibit people from being able to stand up strong in the world; medical professions actually deter people from acquiring the ability to take care of their own health; agricultural practice ac- tually blocks farmers from becoming masters of their own farming.

In this capitalistic world, no human activities are left un-devoured by commercial interests. Life is becoming tougher and more expensive. It is no coincidence that farming costs keep rising. I believe this fundamental structure has to be destroyed if there is to be any hope for farming. How can agriculture reclaim viability? If a certain system of technology incurs high-cost, it cannot be an alternative. Even well- designed national policies will not be successful without a good technology.

To promote an agriculture with viability, the state has to pay special attention to the system of technology. When technology loses practicality, agriculture that stands on that technology loses viability. Under the capitalistic system where corporations have persistently sought after proit for centuries, input market thrives whereas farmers continue to lose their knowledge.

No wonder why farming nowadays is so costly, farmers all over the world are going bankrupt. Well, farming is the same. Why would they be interested in developing a system of technology that does not bring proit to them?

Health and agriculture are two areas closely linked to public welfare; it is risky to leave them in the hands of private corporations. JADAM seeks to bring farming back to the hands of farmers. Farmers should again be the master of farming. JADAM wants to establish a system of farming that can be practiced at ultra-low cost and with inputs all self-made.

Ultra-low-cost agriculture will increase the viability of organic farming and i- nally make it powerful enough to replace conventional farming. I believe it has the potential to change the agricultural landscape of the world. Let us be free. Let us be inally released from the grip of the market; begin a new farming that is fun, creative and where you are in lead.

Crises upon crises will inlict chaos upon our economy, agriculture, en- ergy, environment, food and resources sectors. Wisdom is called for; more des- perately than ever. Challenge always entails opportunity. It will be tough for agriculture in the short-term but in the long-term many doors of opportunity will open. But the door will open only to those who are ready.

What should you do to prepare for the post era? Just making ends meet will be tough enough. Remember how our grandmothers and grandfathers lived: they were the epitome of saving and frugality.

Reduce your consumption to a minimum and save cash to prepare for the unpredictability of the future. Imagine your cash low stops just for three months.

Can you survive that? Are you prepared? Save cash so that you can be prepared. Our lifestyles as of now are much too luxurious and wasteful. Crises that befall do not destroy everybody. Some com- panies that are prepared and moneyed will weather the storm and change the crisis into an opportunity. Raise your children to be farmers; a job with no reirement When I tell farmers to save money and reduce spending, some farmers think that reducing the education expenses is too much.

As parents, they want their children to do well in school and grow up to be it for a successful life in the city. But as parents, you have to look practically into 10, 20 years into the future of your children. I want to remind you that farmer is one of the most promising jobs according to most futurists. Let the school have the primary responsibility of teaching your children. At home, teach them how to do farming. When they are ready to graduate from high school, they will be trained well enough to be able to manage a farm.

Raise your children to be great ex- perts in farming. Do away with the low self-esteem some farmers associate with their occupation. Too many students inish high-level education without gain- ing any practical means to live in this world. Drop your farming cost to dollars per acre It is time we seriously reconsider and discard both high-cost organic farm- ing and conventional agriculture.

For conventional farmers, the prices of chem- ical fertilizers and pesticides will rise further. JADAM was not launched to do some minor improvements to the environment. Ultimately, JADAM aims to change the fundamental way the human race does farming; make right what is wrong.

Na- tional and global agriculture all need to change. We cook and eat rice every day. We wanted farming to be as easy as that. We wanted to reduce the barrier so low that a whole mass of people could do farming easily.

Today, the average cost of organic farm- ing for an acre is around 6, dollars. Costly farming is just not competitive. If farmers can produce at dollars per acre for the cost of fertilizers and pesticides, they can have conidence. Agri- cultural products are being sold across the borders.

If your farming gains viabil- ity, secures high quality and produce at ultra-low costs, you will be able to sell all over the world. JADAM will show you the way. Your wife plays the central role If you are a husband, the changes that are occurring is not simple; it cannot be handled by yourself alone.

You need the participation and support from your wife. Your wife will actually be playing a central role in your farming. In terms of the work she does, you will not be able to have a better partner.

Without your wife or life mate, it is impossible to break into the post era. If that is not enough, you yourself should actively help her with her chores. Your wife is your best partner. Train her to be an expert in farming who can manage the farm without your help.

Pesticides are probably the most expensive part of your farming. She will be a treasure to your farm. Devote and commit 8 full hours per day to farming Traditional farmers went out to work when it was still dark before sunrise. Farmers nowadays are also busy, but not with farming. Work hard and think innovatively. Seek improvements and develop new methods.

Always ex- periment, study and learn. If you are not devoted, your family may not respect you; your customers will not be impressed with the products you grow.

Devote and commit. Times have changed. A company can market its product to markets of the world; it is now same for individual farmers. Global internet shopping malls like Amazon and Alibaba are coming into Korea. Once you start selling through those malls, your sales will soar.

China will become the largest organic market in the world. Korea can access this market with the greatest ease and speed. To change risk into opportunity, what the farmers need to do is to secure certiica- tion of quality and low price.

For well-prepared farmers, the future will open up immense opportunity. It is sold at relatively higher prices and is touted as healthy. However, a transition from conventional, chemical farming to organic farming should be carefully planned. Errors can be made and this will lead to inancial losses. Seasonal crops could be a little easier to work with, but perennials need more care. Farming purely organic can be challeng- ing; technical blunders can be made. Applying your experience in conventional farming to organic farming can sometimes make further mistakes.

You can gradually expand the propor- tion of your land once you gain conidence. Many people fail in organic farming because they cannot control aphids, mites and powdery mildew. Learn how to make and apply JADAM natural pes- ticides, and train yourself to become a successful organic farmer. Try some or- ganic pesticide products from the market and compare them with your natural homemade ones to further your study.

In modern commercial agriculture, seedling growers try to make their products look gorgeous, and sapling growers often use chemical fertilizer to boost appear- ance. JADAM recommends you grow your own seedlings. If you cannot grow your own for seasonal crops, make sure that you make your own for at least the perennial crops and fruit trees. Eat brown rice instead of white mixed with other grains together with more than three kinds of greens.

Chew well. After a week, you will feel better in digestion and bowel movement. A few weeks after that, you will start to feel your abdomen become warm and com- fortable. With warmth, healing will begin. Eat fruits with their peels intact.

Again, do not eat white rice. Drink plenty of water until your urine turns clear. Toxins follow the urine to be excreted from the body. Just drinking water can heal many ill- nesses. Eat small amounts of sea salt too. Do not apply cosmetics to places other than the face and hands. When absorbed through the skin they accumulate in the body. Minimize the quantity you put on. Try refraining from using soap.

Get rid of shampoos, soaps, bleach, fabric softeners, antimicrobial prod- ucts, air fresheners, etc. Use sun-dried sea salt instead of toothpaste. Toothpaste is made of numerous chemicals. To have healthy gums, keep away from toothpastes. After a few weeks, your gums will be stronger. Do not drink too much alcohol.

Keep your skin healthy through exercise and bathing. Skin is a major detox organ. Exercise and sweat regularly for better detox. Avoid smoking. Keep your spine healthy; maintain a good posture. If your back muscles are weak, you will have back problems. If you have a sway back, eventually you will develop problems in your internal organs. Every day, do sit-ups 30 times. If you have a backache or if your back is bent, roll a towel and lie on it for 20 minutes.

Holding on to and hanging from a horizontal bar is a good remedy for stitches in the shoulders. Hold on to the bar for 30 seconds every day. Repeated exercise will put your bones in the correct position and keep your shoulders pain free. It is not something we observe in nature. Agriculture has become a form of mechanics, where you deal with life as if it were inanimate.

Just like you entrust everything to the engineers if you do not know about machines, farmers entrust the ABCs of their farming to the so- called experts.

Farmers let these outsiders diagnose, judge and treat their own plants; they might as well ask these experts to love the plants for them. Modern farming is similar to modern health care. Farmers have fallen from master to slave. Science became the vanguards of corporate in- terest. It has become an area completely alien and inaccessible for the people. Farmers have little or no say in the making of technological advances.

Why is it that costs keep rising; and rising in both con- ventional and organic farming? If you examine carefully the so-called environment-friendly farming that has started to proliferate recently, the phenomenon is very strange.

Why is everybody forgetting that great civilizations have farmed organically for many millennia? Why is nobody seeking wisdom from the tradition? Before chemistry, all were organic. Watch closely. Look who is beneiting from this development.

Farmers are nothing but a tiny disposable dot in this huge agriculture system. JADAM takes this situation very seriously. If it cannot be reversed, changed, or radically im- proved, there will be no future for farmers and farming. One side is exploiting the other; this is unfair and unsustainable. Farmers need to awaken, recover their innate ability to work and innovate, and once again become the masters of farm- ing.

JADAM tries to restore the creativity farm- ers once had. Without a clear understanding of what is really going on, one cannot estab- lish a sound vision for farmers and farming. Technology needs to be supported by a clear philosophy — a system of thought that is nature-loving and farmer-lov- ing.

Your belief system needs to be clear, practical and common-sense. Life is born, grows and dies. Nature has been farming for billions of years; without any idea of making money. Trust her; she is much more experienced than you. You will begin to understand nature, how she works, and gain a deeper insight into farming. Ask nature about soil degradaion from repeated monoculture One of the toughest problems farmers face is soil degradation due to re- peated monoculture.

Basically, that one type of plant will absorb from the soil the types of nutrients it needs or prefers; so after repeated cultivations, those nutrients will be de- pleted from the soil. You can wash and eat immediately after spraying.

You can also see amazingly clear and detailed photos from this book. JADAM developed several core natural pesticide technologies manufacturing methods so that farmers can solve natural pesticides themselves and all technologies disclosed without patents. The use of self-manufacturing technology can dramatically reduce costs while increasing the control effect. Furthermore, it can completely replace chemical pesticides.

Farmers have been relying on agricultural input wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can wash and eat immediately after spraying. You can also see amazingly clear and detailed photos from this book.

JADAM developed several core natural pesticide technologies manufacturing methods so that farmers can solve natural pesticides themselves and all technologies disclosed without patents. The use of self-manufacturing technology can dramatically reduce costs while increasing the control effect. What is a microorganism? Then the best way to do that is to bring in workers from an environment closest to that of our field.

Where are they? They are in the leaf molds in nearby forests, hills and mountains. It makes no sense to look for microorganisms imported from other places or countries. Use the leaf mold as the starter for microorganism culture.


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