You can clip the video by inputting the start time and end time, adjust the volume and take a screenshot , re-record and save the video. When you click the Save button, you can view, rename and share the file.
How to record LOL gameplay video for free? If you just need to save a simple video to your friends, Free Online Screen Recorder is a versatile screen recorder to capture onscreen activities. Besides, you can adjust the output video parameters like video format, quality, codec and frame rate before recording. Step 1 Go to the free online screen recorder on your browser, click on the Launch Free Recorder button to download the BDMaster Launcher on your computer.
Follow the instruction to run the program before recording the LOL gameplay videos. Step 2 After that, you can click the Computer icon to select the recording area of the gameplay window. Choose the audio source from microphone or system sound for the LOL gameplay video for free. It also enables you to tweak the recording frame rate.
Step 3 Now you can click the REC button to start capturing your screen for the video. League of Legends is an exciting game, and you never really know what is lurking around the corner — you can be in for a surprise at any given moment.
So, if you make an unbelievable move that you want to share with your friends, simply hit that replay button and take it from there. This allows you to capture those fantastic plays you may have made. You can save a replay file and play it back whenever you feel the need. You can then send the replay video to a friend, and they can watch your gameplay. If you have a video recording software, such as Fraps, you can use it throughout the match to record parts of your gameplay.
By going into your match history this can be found under the profile section in your LoL account , you can save a highlight. This button can be found to the right of a game. Once you click on that button, the download will begin.
The download will need to start before it turns into a play button, allow you to watch the game through the client. But first, you will need to know exactly where that file is located. ROFL files by default. You can locate the files by going to your settings menu in the LoL Client. In order to get to this area, you will need to click on that cog icon, which can be found at the top right of the client. You can either navigate to them or change them to something easier for you to get to — this is entirely up to you.
You can use applications such as OBS Studio, which will allow you to record your League of Legends gameplay in real-time, so all of your fans can watch you while you play. This will allow you to record League of Legends, or any other game, in real-time.
This means that functions such as the chat function and voice communication will also be displayed in the video. One of the best ways to record highlights of your game would be to use video editing software.
The fun fact is it is unmaterialistic which mode you are playing! It is possible to record the video by using software such as Fraps. If you like you can employ that too to record your whole match or parts of it.
Under the profile section in your LoL account, you can go to the Match History. From there you can save a highlight of your match. You can save it rather easily. For that, you can hit the download button. Once you press the download button the download will start.
Once it becomes a play button click it to watch yourself in action. When you have saved the highlights, you can always watch yourself fight in the game. However, you will need to know the location of the file that you have saved. Featured News. Choose Your. Champion Skins. Slay With. Game Modes. Multiple Ways to. Summoner's Rift Summoner's Rift.