All OSes. All licences. Software Free Download Soft You can skip this in seconds Click here to continue. Download Now! Gpg4win 2. Home Windows Communication E-mail Gpg4win. Direct link. Gpg4win - a secure solution for file and email encryption. Developer's Description By Gpg4win. Gpg4win enables users to securely transport emails and files with the help of encryption and digital signatures. Encryption protects the contents against an unwanted party reading it. Digital signatures make sure that it was not modified and comes from a specific sender.
It is maintained by the developers of GnuPG. Gpg4win and the software included with Gpg4win are Free Software Open Source; among other things free of charge for all commercial and non-commercial purposes. Gpg4win is an installer for Windows and contains several Free Software components: GnuPG: The core; this is the actual encryption tool. Claws Mail: A complete email application with crypto support. Full Specifications.
What's new in version 2. Updated GnuPG to version 2. Support for SPR and pinpads. Release February 27, Date Added February 27, Version 2. PS5 restock updates. Black Friday deals. Windows Windows. Most Popular. New Releases. Desktop Enhancements. Networking Software. Trending from CNET. Gpg4win Light By Gpg4win Free. Download Now. Developer's Description By Gpg4win. Gpg4win Light enables users to securely transport emails and files with the help of encryption and digital signatures.
Encryption protects the contents against an unwanted party reading it. You can find technical details on the GnuPG page. You can select multiple files and folders to sign and encrypt them recursively into a gpgtar archive.
Create and verify checksums of files - also directly from the Windows Explorer or Kleopatra. Gpg4win can create a unique checksum for each selected file, with which the integrity of these files can be verified any time later.
Both creation and verification of these cryptographic checksums hashes are carried out in an analogous manner in the GUI.
Attachments can be encrypted as well, in one go with the email body. Verifying signatures and decrypting messages is done directly in Outlook too. The selection of the right email certificate is a function of Kleopatra - based on the corresponding email address.
Kleopatra shows the automated pre-selection of certificates in the following dialog.