Flipbook for PDF Files. See System Requirements. Show More. People also like. Convert Text to Audio Advanced Free. Additional information Published by Free Software Apps. Published by Free Software Apps. Developed by Free Software Apps. Approximate size Age rating For all ages. This app can Access your Internet connection. Permissions info. With Flipsnack, you can easily create flipbooks from PDFs in just a few minutes.
Transform your PDFs into professional digital publications and recreate the offline reading experience of a physical book or magazine. Have you ever wondered how to make a pdf look like a book?
Or how to flip a PDF document? Search no more! Here is an example of how a PDF turned into a digital flipbook looks when embedded into a website.
Add some interactive elements to your flippable publication to create an amazing experience for your readers. Keep in mind that your flipbook is also shareable, so you have total freedom to share it privately with specific people, or publicly with everyone.
Control who can see your digital catalog by publishing it as public, unlisted, or password-protected. Display the catalog on social media or send it via email to share it with your targeted audience. The page flip animation will add something to your publication, making it a real page turner.
Bring your paper documents online and convert them to a format readers are already familiar with and love. Give it a try! Create a flipbook from a PDF file. Think email, social media, file sharing services. Our flipbook software provides complex, real-time actionable data. Interactivity There will be limited interaction in a PDF, but you can have video, audio, forms and captions in a flipping book.
Real feel Readers love the page turning animation for the feel, look and even sound optional similar to real books. No one can copy any part of it, unless you decide to unlock the download. Privacy options for all your flippable publications Public By selecting this option, you allow everybody to discover your digital public flipbooks, both on Flipsnack or on search engines.
Choose to share your online flipbooks only with specific people that you trust. With Flipsnack, there are many opportunities to share your flip PDF pages. You can keep them private from the prying eyes by publishing them unlisted. Or, you can share your flipbooks only with some specific people within your company. However, for wider, public exposure, you can select from the following sharing options:. With FlipViewer you can display FlipBooks and feel like reading a conventional book with pages and covers.
Get the best out of what you have. It's a freeware to create from text book to digital magazines, page flip books, brochures and interactive catalogs for both online and offline use.
Publish flip book as SWF Main features PDF to Flash is a free PDF documents into Flash Book It allows you to read PDF documents in a user friendly interface with flipping book effect. PDF Page flip reader