Rise of the Planet of the Apes RiffTrax quadruple audio p. Show Files ». Scientist Will Rodman is determined to find a cure for Alzheimer's, the disease which has slowly consumed his father Charles. All Posts. Recent Posts See All. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Post not marked as liked. Bloody Rally Show Free Download.
Seeking justice for his fellow inmates, Caesar gives the fellow apes the same drug that he inherited. He then assembles a simian army and escapes the sanctuary - putting man and ape on a collision course that could change the planet forever. No Monkey business about this film, I think even the ape fans of a preceding generation will like this. It's nothing more than a CGI-laden special effects extravaganza which, like much other recent fare, forgets to tell a story along the way.
The long-winded narrative, about a drug that increases intelligence and the eventual way it finds itself into chimpanzees, could have been dusted over in the first ten minutes of the movie. It all builds to a CGI set-piece which is yawn-inducing rather than technically impressive, and then the film just ends without any kind of attempted closure. I'm pretty sure that end-of-the-world thrillers like this are supposed to be frightening and suspenseful, and yet RISE forgets to bring either of those things to the table.
It's also crushingly tame, going for a PG rating when it should have been restricted. I mean, if you wanted to make the film believable AT ALL, you should have shown these chimps ripping off arms and faces; after all, that's the real behaviour when they go feral.
You only have to follow the news to realise that. But RISE presents them as a sanitised and noble species. It's pure fantasy. The actors sleepwalk through their roles, with only the old dependable John Lithgow giving anything approaching a good performance. Freida Pinto shows up for one of those pretty-girlfriend-hanging-on-the-hero's-arm type roles, and as for James Franco, well to say he's slumming it would be to over-praise him.
Even worse, he has no reason to be in the film at all, his character is totally extraneous to the plot other than at the outset.
My real venom, though, is directed towards the apes themselves, which for the first time are completely CGI generated. Please, bring back the men in suits! Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker.
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