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This profoundly disturbing truth is explored in much deeper analysis in a later chapter. Coming full circle, this entire book focuses on evidence that satanic sacrifice of children currently practiced by cults and secret societies throughout Europe and North America and beyond, hidden in plain sight along with interlocking global child sex trafficking rings, is tragically being carried out all over this planet.
And its long history sadly reminds us only that it haetughoutluminati, the innocents to even survive. This hypothesis will be explored further in lats never stopped. The Old Testament fails to mention exactly how she was sacrificed. Additionally, several other Jewish kings in the Old Testament sacrificed their children by burning them alive. Jews in Carthage in BC who worshipped Baal were also offing their kids.
The practice of abducting a non-Jewish stranger, bringing him to their Jerusalem temple, cutting his body up and sacrificing a gentile every seven years was first documented by Greek philosophers and historians Apion and Democritus in BC, well over a century before Christ. Ritualized Jewish Blood Sacrifice from Middle Ages — 21st Century Since the Middle Ages in Europe, traditionally at times of Passover, celebrating Israelites freedom from slavery in Egypt,[42] most frequently led by local rabbis, there have been Jews who have periodically abducted and ritualistically murdered Christian children.
There are literally hundreds of documented cases. Spain later followed banishing all its Jews from its borders in Jews accused and brought to trial for murder and found guilty methodically repeated the same ritualistic crime, sequentially circumcising their child victims, then systematically torturing and crucifying them to drain their blood used in Passover rites ceremony.
Blood was also used in healing potions as well as for cabbalist curses. The murdered boy was Simon of Trent who until a few years ago was a celebrated saint; that is until the Vatican succumbed to the Jewish thought control PC police. Over twenty of these Jewish murdered children were made saints. Based on historic court records and two sets of standard operating procedure confessions by the accused Germanic speaking Jews, a recent scholarly review written by Ariel Toaff analyzing all available evidence concludes that Simon was murdered on the Passover eve for the expressed purpose of religious ritual sacrifice.
Being a persecuted European minority steeped in rigid Talmudic tradition that degrades non-Jews to lowly animal status, the underlying psychological and historic dynamics are sufficient to provide motive for the crimes.
Sadly in years, times have not changed at all,[60] and, with humanity on the brink of total self-destruction, conditions in our times have only grown worse.
Yet the Talmud is extremely hateful and racist, touting blatant Jewish supremacism. Direct quotes from the Talmud readily tell the story. Moreover, the Torah, considered Jewish Written Law,[64] apparently embraces pedophilia: If a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for having intercourse with a girl less than three years old is like putting a finger in the eye Ketubot 11b.
A decade ago when Israeli soldiers were on another bloodbath killing spree against Palestinians in Gaza, Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu wrote a letter to the prime minister advocating indiscriminate murder of civilian women and children. Because he reveals far more in-depth truth than his fellow chosen brethren care to have on public record, several months later Rosenthal met an abrupt end as a suspected murder victim of a Mossad hit thinly veiled as an attempted Israeli airliner hijacking.
Three weeks after Israel and the neocons, with a little help from their Saudi friends, pulled off the bloodiest false flag in history in ,[69] boldly out in the open was former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon arrogantly declaring: We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know. And each of these deities unmistakably shares underpinnings of the fallen angel Satan. An estimated The Baal arch as the temple gateway served as a portal to the worshipping altar of the pagan god that many today believe represents Satan.
After constructed exhibitions in New York and London, for the third time the Babylonian archway was once again on full prominent display earlier this year for the opening of the fifth annual World Government Summit held in Dubai, attended by world leaders from nations.
Sovereign nation destroyer Obama attended the first of these NWO conferences back in Our upside down Orwellian world is presently living in an age of deceit,[91] where so called good is actually evil and lies are constantly broadcast as truth. Zevi promptly found a new residence in nearby Salonika, rapidly rising to prominence there as an ordained Sephardic rabbi and cabbalist claiming to a receptive audience that he was the long awaited Jewish Messiah.
Zevi preached that as imperfect beings, the way to the divine is following the path of sinful bliss i. But just the same, his hedonistic brand of religion caught on bigtime in popularity, spreading through both Europe and the Near East.
But within a few short decades in the vacuum created by his death, the prominence of Sabbateanism was to be resurrected and given new, even more invigorated life by another charismatic messianic Jewish con man named Jacob Frank, who boldly sold himself as not only the reincarnate of Sabbatai Zevi but the biblical patriarch Jacob as well.
It was at this time that he is believed to have also converted, like his predecessor before him, to Islam Sabbatean-style. Ritualized orgy-fests featuring wife swapping, incest and pedophilia were his commandments. At age 29 he returned to Poland where he gathered quite a following of Sabbateans. The ambitious upstart openly defied all traditional Jewish law, proclaiming himself part of the holy trinity, posing a direct threat to local conservative Talmudic rabbis who sought to have him and his followers excommunicated.
In dramatic response to his stiff rabbinic opposition, Jacob Frank declared himself the direct successor of Sabbatai Zevi, assuring his burgeoning flock that he was receiving his revelations straight from heaven.
It appeared his sexual self-aggrandizing had finally caught up with him. The skeptical Church authorities required more concrete evidence beyond just words that Frank and his devotees were righteously motivated for conversion to Catholicism. Over the next three decades in Poland, the Frankists swayed close to 30, Jews to become baptized Christians. Yet secretly they retained their hidden Jewish identity and religious doctrine; also co-related is the Jewish propensity of frequent name changing albeit partly due to avoiding anti-Semitic persecution.
Funding would flow to both Weishaupt and Frank once Weishaupt agreed to accept Frankist doctrine and the satanic grand plan was thus launched by the unholiest trinity ever. Frank took the title Baron, whether legitimately given him by Austrian archduchess[] and Queen Maria Theresa or not.
But the poisonous die had been cast. The Frankist Cabbalistic secrets were combined with the philosophical ideals of Enlightenment to lay fertile groundwork for conflict, revolution and bloodshed. The Freemasons, Illuminati and Frankists were secret allies in movement through European nobility. The great doctrine, the great revelation of all the true Mysteries, is that Osiris lives: but he is known by other names.
We also, as Masons, look forward to union…with Osiris…To be united with him forever. Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls?
Doubt it not! Why would Jews choose as their national flag anything even remotely to do with a satanic god that sacrifices children? Well known twentieth century author-mystic and 33 degree Mason Manly P. Like the six-pointed star as a central iconic symbol, the 5-pointed pentagram star is yet another significant link that Freemasonry shares with Satan. All it takes is a 33 degree clockwise or counterclockwise turn to shift the good one-point star into the evil satanic two pointed pentagram.
Touching on the history of Freemasonry, the oldest Masonic lodge dating back to is located in Edinburgh, Scotland, complete with its 6-pointed star etched into sandstone above its entrance. Wilhelmsbad also marked the first occasion where Jews were admitted as Masonic Lodge members per the Rothschild-Frank-Weishaupt contract drawn several years earlier.
After the conference the Illuminati dominated Freemasonry as it was no longer seen as a competitor but a conjoined secret partner forging the same sinister schemes. Weishaupt set about using his Illuminati and Jesuit Order to control the Vatican. Assassinations of the king of France and emperor of Austria were voted on and planned. In March a Masonic Jew killed the Austrian emperor. Indeed one third of the US presidents and many of the top European leaders have been high degree Masons.
Regardless which particular brand of Satanism is practiced, the Talmudic, Cabbalistic or Sabbatean-Frankist Jewry, Freemason[], Malta or Jesuit, Skull and Bones[] or Illuminati,[] CFR[] or Trilateral Commission,[] Bilderberger[] or Club of Rome,[] all are fast track avenues to the top of the psychopathic food chain, where debauchery like pedophilia and incest is the required norm, their common denominator being the worship of Satan.
A few photos from a Rothschild Illuminati Ball are quite revealing. With Satanists reigning full control over all earthly affairs, incisive author and observer Henry Makow succinctly sizes up our present predicament: Society is totally subverted. Intelligence agencies report to the central bankers. They and Masonic secret societies are a central part of the mechanism of control. Society is helpless to address its real problem: the untenable concentration of wealth, power and cultural influence in the hands of Cabbala-believing bankers secretly intent on culling or enslaving us.
Mankind is being put into a coma based on sex and money. The last thing the bankers want to do is awaken the cattle from their slumber. The fact that actual traumatized victims secrete the stress hormone adrenaline into their bloodstream and body moments leading up to death chemically acts as an addictive drug for the murdering Luciferian elite that engages in cannibalism and imbibes on blood.
A woman calling herself Kendall recently appeared on the Dr. Phil Show describing her many years of captivity within a child sex slavery ring where Illuminati figures raped and forced her to eat body parts of sacrificed children. In while a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Vicki Polin disclosed that she was an incest survivor trapped in a Satanic Jewish cult where ritualized abuse occurred in her synagogue. Franklin scandal victim Paul Bonacci testified that on July 24th, ,[] he witnessed a child sacrifice killing of a young boy he was forced at gunpoint to have sex with at the infamous pedophile summer camp Bohemian Grove,[] where the elite regularly gather to pay homage to their version of Baal in the 40 foot stone owl statue they call Moloch.
I know how those bastards think. And obviously for blackmail control over the politician puppets, pedophilia, cannibalism and murder are often caught on film. Mossad used convicted child sex offender billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his Sex Slave Island to get the dirt on scores of powerful scum still in power in Washington.
This presentation has encapsulated that long horrifying history that has led to this current epidemic. But we are finally turning the corner now on this despicable human blight, and the momentum is swinging towards growing public awareness and outrage, pushing for accountability and justice for our children.
The next section documents one eyewitness who was exposed to this satanic pedophile empire, had the conscience and courage to talk about it, and then just recently paid for it with his life. His work included interfacing with central banks, national governments, various deep state players like the CIA and Mossad, transnational oil corporations and US-Israeli-Saudi backed terrorist organizations, all the while maintaining as low a profile as possible to avoid detection.
As a money handler employed in illicit global smuggling operations involving drugs, weapons and global child sex trafficking, up close and personal Bernard encountered the Luciferian world of the globalist crime cabal, at the heart of the US war making Empire machine, witnessing child pedophilia and children being ritualistically sacrificed.
Bernard explained how his blind ambition and lust for money led him on a path toward becoming a psychopath, but when he saw little kids being raped, tortured and murdered, his long buried conscience quickly shot to the surface. He astoundingly realized how the Luciferian worshippers all around him at the top of the predatory food chain detested human beings and in fact life itself.
It sickened Ronald to see how his peers had literally sold their soul to the devil in exchange for all the riches, decadent luxury and sexual depravities big money and power buy. After refusing to play the game any longer, and enduring torture on multiple levels, he underwent a protracted period of living hell, experiencing a total breakdown of both his mental and physical health, ending up in a hospital ICU. An out of body experience and cathartic spiritual transformation granted him the courage as an Illuminati whistleblower to speak out, revealing his riveting, harrowing story.
His account fully exposes the demonic barbarity of the soulless beast that is the hidden satanic cult currently running this world.
Sadly, after moving to the United States and marrying an American, in late August Illuminati whistleblower Ronald Bernard was found dead after taking a walk in a rural area of Sebring, Florida.
He called authorities stating he was lost and his life was in danger. Several hours later his body was discovered face down in shallow water. The films obviously left an indelible imprint that would never be forgotten. It seems like a very real glimpse into the dark world of Illuminati Satanists caught on film in action, cutting the throats of two toddlers, draining their blood, and then two cooks on camera instructing how to prepare and cook human flesh for dinner guests wearing masks that cover their eyes.
The next scene is at the dining table with assembled guests and host couple. All are Satanists. The host has recently hired a young man for an executive position in his company, and he and his wife are the special guests. The new employee and his wife are nervous but the ten other diners at the table remain jovial.
The young man and his wife convulse with shock and the husband vomits. The second film is even more disturbing. A young homeless pregnant woman has been taken in by the Illuminati under the pretense of receiving support from a social charity service.
The film features the same host who has invited the young mother to dine with the same satanic friends including the young couple from the last film. Though the film ends there, the young mother was murdered shortly afterwards.
The reason the two murder scenes were made available for the writer to view is the Illuminati member tasked with making the films showed it to him. Though the filmmaker was a Satanist himself, he had become upset with the child sacrifices and was trying to get the leadership within the Illuminati committee to be purged.
We must stop the slaughter of our children! Who is Not? Has it really to do with the Illuminati? Samuelson, J. Press Coverage? Instead of using the official language of the western Catholic branch which was always Latin, the new Eastern Roman Empire that included most of Eastern Europe, Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean in the Middle East adopted as its official language Greek, and marked the birth of the enduring Byzantine Empire.
Thus the course of world history was taking a major turn. Once the Holy Land was taken, expansionist Muslim Arabs pushed westward by sea and by land, even threatening conquest of Constantinople as well. Ultimately after launching two failed sieges on the Byzantine capital ending in AD, a period of relative calm and truce prevailed in the region…[5] that is until the Macedonian Dynasty between and AD when Byzantine Christian forces rose up to retake northern Syria and Greater Armenia,[6] the first nation to declare Christianity its state religion back in AD.
Surviving in an ultra-violent world where aristocratic lords and kings imposed death feuds and wars on their feudal subjects, constantly clashing with other clans and kingdoms, day-to-day life in the post-Dark Age was hardly giving way to any better life in the Middle Ages.
The peasant class was born and died owned as feudal subjects, human commodities completely controlled by nobility in an enslavement system that was both violent and inhumane. In medieval Europe the growing economic disparity between peasant Christian masses as landless serfs and the uneasy, contentious partnership of aristocratic nobility and entrenched Roman Catholic hierarchy planted seeds of unrest and upheaval amidst so much despair and abject poverty.
Seething tension and conflict had been brewing for centuries within the psyche of the peasant masses, activated especially when a series of droughts struck Europe in the late 11th century.
In Western Europe this was the dire setting both culturally and economically on the eve of the 12th century. And that was all the unhappy, strife-ridden, angry, desperate, bigoted Christians needed to hear. Meanwhile, the Eastern Roman Empire was slowly losing ground to the recent Muslim converts, the nomadic Seljuk Turks that had migrated from the steppes of Central Asia. Though the official fall of the Byzantine Empire would be held off until the mighty fortress walls of New Rome came tumbling down in by Ottoman Turks,[19] four and a half centuries earlier in , the Eastern Roman Empire found itself being hit from all sides by multiple enemies, both Muslim and Christian alike.
Blaming the true villain — members of the church and state ruling class was a dicey proposition, certain to result in either instant imprisonment or death punished to an afterlife of eternal hell and damnation. Just like clockwork, they fall prey to deception every single time.
And so thousands upon thousands of Christians became Crusaders marching to the Holy Land to liberate it from the designated enemy. As they moved through the Eastern Roman Empire closer to the Middle East, whenever the marauding Christians encountered Jews or Muslims along the way, they simply killed them and stole what they could.
As dire as it was for Byzantium prior to the First Crusade, afterwards it was left in even worse shape. The warlike Turks were still on the warpath grabbing more turf, but even the important Byzantine port city Antioch wound up in the greedy hands of a Norman invader that betrayed his oath not to steal Eastern Roman Empire land from fellow Christians.
And to top it off, it was the Norman son in Antioch of the land-grabbing Norman father in Italy both laying claim to Byzantine territory not theirs… so much for the concept of Christian brotherhood. The rabid ferocity of its sack showed just how little the Church had succeeded in Christianizing atavistic instincts. The entire population of the Holy City was put to the sword, Jews as well as Moslems, 70, men, women and children perished in a holocaust, which raged for three days.
In places men waded in blood up to their ankles and horsemen were splashed by it as they rode through the streets. The first Christian military Order of the Knights of Hospitallers, later known as the Knights of Malta, were already established and pope endorsed in for that very same purpose. The King of Jerusalem granted their authorization to literally set up camp on top of the ancient King Solomon temple ruins. Their new Order had the knights religiously poking around for any recoverable relics, artifacts and otherwise magic bullets that would bestow upon them an added advantage in their quest for power and supremacy that also happened to include a war not only on Islam but Christianity as well.
But that incredibly significant reality will be addressed shortly. Speculation still abounds over whether the Templar Knights might have discovered the famous Ark of Covenant or Holy Grail that may well have been hidden in a secret cavern below the excavated Solomon Temple. Scholars have concluded that the Templar Knights pursued secret knowledge contained in the mystical Jewish traditions of the Cabala and as such, actively sought out Cabalists for consultation in both Jerusalem and Europe.
According to this bull the Templars would owe allegiance to no secular or ecclesiastical power other than the Pope himself. In other words, they were rendered totally independent of all kings, princes, and prelates, and of all interference from both political and religious authorities.
They had become, in effect, a law unto themselves, an autonomous international empire. Jews have survived a very long history of horrendous prejudice and persecution, countless purges and pogroms throughout the ages. During the Dark Ages of the 5th-7th centuries, for nefarious, subversive reasons, crypto-Jews from the Merovingian bloodline chose to convert to Christianity in order to infiltrate and marry into European royalty to reach top positions of power in both church and state.
It was the crypto-Jews who masterminded and financed both the Crusades and later the Renaissance. The ambitious Pope Urban II who ignited the years of Crusade atrocities was the sixth French crypto-Jewish pope from this same Merovingian lineage. Muslim unholy wars, the Templar Knights and their sponsors were strategically positioned to implement Protocol 7:[43] Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords, and hostility.
Therein we gain a double advantage. And regardless of whether Satanists are crypto-Jews, Jews, or non-Jews, or whatever subgroup they might fall into, Satanists have made it their enduring age-old agenda to divide and destroy all religions in their larger war against humanity. With utter contempt and hatred, they loathe our Creator, all life, love, peace and all people who are good, who possess a conscience and a heart and everything they lack. So by exposing a small evil minority of crypto-Jews and their inflammatory, devastating impact on all human history including Jews, truth can never be attacked or dismissed as pure anti-Semitism.
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