Along with the notification, the candidates can get the details regarding the application form. The online application form can be easily done while comparing to the offline mode. And they can also get the information for the requirements of the examination. If they get satisfied, they can apply for the examination and also get CTET exam study material in pdf format.
The CTET will provide the information regarding the written exam. Since the exam board will conduct the exam for all candidates. The examination will be organized as per the subject was chosen by the candidates. Here, for every subject, the candidates should undergo two examinations called paper 1 and paper 2. CTET Syllabus. The candidates should think about the preparation aids at this situation. They can make use of the study materials related to this subject.
They can have a look at the syllabus before going to choose the CTET study materials. It will be available on the official website. So, the candidate will not have any problem in surfing the website.
Since the candidates can go through all the subjects. They can have regular practice with the question papers. CTET study materials will clearly show the notes, guides, important questions and the question papers. But all the above will be based on the exam syllabus framed for the subject.
There are many websites are providing the study materials to the candidates. But it is better to get from the official website. CTET paper 1 study material will be very helpful in practice. And they can recall the important questions repeatedly. It will help them to score high marks in the exam. The candidates will be trying to download the CTET study material paper 1 pdf free from the website.
Since they should prepare well for the examination. Only then they can able to score well in the examination. There are some of the study materials are available on the official website.
They can make use of it. These are the steps to download the CTET exam study material for paper 1. It is easy to download from the official website. If you have applied for the job and searching for HP TET Study materials for better preparation then you are in the right place. This article will let you know about the detailed subject-wise divided Study materials for the subjects asked in Himachal Pradesh TET.
In offline written Exam, objective type questions will be asked where each question will carry one mark and there will be no marks deduction in case of a wrong answer. We have tried to compile all the latest and valuable information required to score great in the Prestigious Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test. But before we start, let us have a look at the basic concept of Teaching and Teaching Methodology Tutorials.
One has to score great in Child Pedagogy to clear the cutoff and finally called up for the Interview. We have listed the books name below. You can take the reference of these books to score great in the Teacher Eligibility Test.
Try to solve it within the prescribed time limit. This subject is also a scoring subject without spending much time in the exam. If your base is clear and you are good at writing Letter and Vyakaran then nobody can stop you to score great in the exam. No, you can only try the mock test in the online mode. Yes, you could run a Mock Test on cell phones.
It is, however, strongly suggested to utilize a computer or notebook to have an experience before the actual test. Yes, you have to try for the entire paper in a single minute cycle, similar to the actual test. All sections of the Mock Test are visible only in English, except for the language portion that can be tried in Hindi. Hi mam, As i missed the date to fill the form for CTET entrance for this year , will you able to give me the information regarding next dates for submitting the form.
CTET will release the application dates by July Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Table of Contents. Does the Mock Test provide the solutions to the questions raised accurately? Yes, you can review the right answers after the exam for all of the questions.
Can I download the Mock Test and attempt it in offline mode? Can I reattempt the Mock Test after a few days? Can I take the Mock Test on mobile?