Identifying Fraudulent Activities. Funnel Analysis. Pricing Test. Marketing Email Campaign. Song Challenge. Clustering Grocery Items. Credit Card Transactions. User Referral Program. Loan Granting. Json City Similarities.
Optimization of Employee Shuttle Stops. Diversity in the Workplace. URL Parsing Challenge. Engagement Test. On-Line Video Challenge. Subscription Retention Rate. Ads Analysis. View code. DS-Take-Home Note:.
Note: Please don't contact me for the dataset. MIT License. Releases No releases published. Use unsupervised machine learning to identify credit card transactions that appear suspicious! Sites offer you a reward if you send an invite to a new user and the new user uses the product. Let's find out with this challenge the impact of a referral program!
One of the hottest fintech topics here! We have data here about when a bank grants a loan. Try to beat their model and create a more efficient way to decide who should receive a loan! Look at user browsing behavior on a hotel travel site and cluster them based on the browsing behavior. Can you predict in an unsupervised way who is going to book a hotel? Using data to optimize the off-line world! Based on employee home address, optimize the best shuttle stop location! Hot topic here!
Look at data about employee salaries, title, and experience and figure out if the company is treating its employees fairly or there is some discrimination going on! Look at test results and figure out whether engagement is going up! Figure out which videos should be promoted on the home page in order to maximize revenue from ads!
Can you identify the characteristics of "hot videos"? Is virality predictable?? Companies love subscription business models! Predict subscriber churn rate and come up with ideas to improve the company revenue via personalized offers! Another classical application of data science here! Can you optimize a company ads campaign?
Which metric would you choose to identify the best ads? An example of a possible solution for the conversion rate challenge! You can use this solution template for pretty much any challenge where you have to build a machine learning model and extract insights from the model! Solution for the third challenge. Another example to solve challenges which are based on looking at the data, building a model and then extract info from the model! An other reusable template on how machine learning can be used to predict when and why an employee decides to change job!
Are you applying for a fintech company, the risk team in any tech company or a bank? This solution template shows how to deal with transaction-related data! Giulio is an excellent advisor for preparing for interviews. Super recommended. Donja Darai, Sr. DS at eBay. Email : info datamasked. Your Email required. Your Message. Full Course For Candidates. Has led to offers at:. Data Challenges Practice in advance on challenges just like the ones you will get in the interview, resembling what you will actually do at work.
Take-home challenge samples:. Product question samples:. FB Case Study. All questions. SQL query samples:. SQL Query — Exercise 1. SQL Query — Exercise 3. SQL Query — Exercise 6. See here for samples. Full course in product data science. New product questions in the full course! All Take-Home Challenges. Conversion Rate One of the most common applications of data science: look at users coming to your site, predict who is going to convert and come up with ideas to improve conversion rate!