You can find a lot of useful information on individual agency websites and you can also search across the government for information. There are over agencies and each is responsible for handling its own FOIA requests. The attorney ordinarily will have available all of the files pertaining to the processing of your request and will make an independent determination as to whether the component has properly handled your request.
The Office of Information Policy may take one of several actions on your administrative appeal. It may affirm our action in full, in which case it will often identify the reason why our action was proper. Alternatively, it may affirm part of our action, but otherwise "remand" the request in part for us to take some further action.
Finally, under some circumstances, it may remand the request to us in its entirety for further action. When a case is remanded, you will have an opportunity to appeal again to the Office of Information Policy if you are dissatisfied in any respect with our action on remand. During the course of the request process, our FOIA contacts can assist you in a variety of ways, from working with you on the scope of your request and the searches that will be done, to arranging an alternative time frame for processing your request, to providing information on the status of your request, and increasing your understanding of the request process.
Once you have received a response, you can file an administrative appeal and have the action of our office independently reviewed by OIP. Finally, the FOIA provides requesters with the right to challenge an agency's action in federal court. Before filing a lawsuit, you ordinarily will be required to have first filed an administrative appeal. FOIA provides that when processing requests, agencies should withhold information only if they reasonably foresee that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption, or if disclosure is prohibited by law.
Agencies should also consider whether partial disclosure of information is possible whenever they determine that full disclosure is not possible and they should take reasonable steps to segregate and release nonexempt information. You are here U. Getting Started Where should I send my request? What can I request? What are the requirements to get records on myself? What are the requirements for obtaining records on someone else?
What happens after I submit my request? Personnel Diaries: Personnel Diaries are the daily tabulations of personnel actions within a unit or ship. They record a wide range of activities such as the start of leave for an individual, criminal charges, changes to rank or duty, and transfer to other units. They also record the coming and goings of people who stay on a ship for a period of time or complete ROTC assignment within the unit. Because these individuals are not assigned to the unit or ship, they are not added to the roster.
Rosters: Rosters are lists of sailors and officers assigned to a particular ship or unit. They are compiled either quarterly or monthly. You may also wish to visit the Office of Visa Services. There are no special forms required for making a request for visa records. When submitting a request, please include 1 a notarized statement or a statement signed under penalty of perjury stating that you are the person that you say you are and 2 your signature.
If you are signing under penalty of perjury, your request should be dated and should have your signature with the following statement:. A Section 83 request will be processed more quickly, but you will not receive an explanation of why certain information in the file was withheld, if any, and you will not have the right to appeal the decision to withhold the information.
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