Instead of powering down completely, your console just goes into a low-power sleep mode like your laptop does when it hibernates. I discovered this when I left Dishonored 2 downloading overnight—or rather, thought I left Dishonored 2 downloading overnight.
Thankfully, the fix is simple. Now, when you leave a game downloading overnight with your PlayStation 4 in Rest Mode, it will actually continue downloading.
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Browse All Privacy and Security Articles Browse All Linux Articles Browse All Buying Guides. Best iPhone 13 Pro Case. Best Bluetooth Headphones for Switch. Best Roku TV. Best Apple Watch. Best iPad Cases. Best Portable Monitors. Best Gaming Keyboards. Best Drones. Always turn it on to see an update begin downloading. Appropriate option is set. I'm not sure I've ever seen it work. Korum Well-known Member. It never downloads any updates for games or firmware, checked all the settings and they are turned on so I have no idea why it doesn't do it.
Maybe it will get turned on in firmware in a few years time. Mine does It downloaded the Amazon video update in rest mode most recently. It had downloaded other updates before then. I only started using standby a day before 2. Mine doesn't download updates but it does download content I add to my download queue from the SEN website. If I know there is an update due I tend to take my Vita with me and turn on my PS4 on remotely to start updates.
Desmo Distinguished Member. I can't think of an update that hasn't downloaded since launch day. All my stuff has been kept up to date. Fuzzmundo Active Member. Seems like it stopped when update 2. On another. One does anybody know what the 'Featured Content' option is in automatic downloads and uploads in the system setting?? Click to expand FadgewackeR Distinguished Member.
I'm with Weevil and Amardillo. As a kinda workaround; If you know there's a big update up, remotely trigger a download from the PSN store on your console and the update should begin.
Any old crap will do, a free theme for example can always delete it and download again. I double checked - all of my settings in System and Power Saving were set correctly for auto downloads in Rest Mode, yet it still didn't.
Social Media. More Button Icon Circle with three vertical dots. It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Taylor Lyles. A PS4 can download games while it's in rest mode. PS4 games can also update while your PS4 is in rest mode.
Putting your PS4 in rest mode allows your console to download and update items without using a ton of console power. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Taylor Lyles is a freelance writer for Business Insider. Insider Inc.